Sunday, September 14, 2014

The Only Ones Who Know

You are afraid
You don't know what's going to happen
We don't either
It's all okay

We're the only ones who know.

You can cry
You can ask questions
You can be angry
You can scream into your pillow and ask "Why me?"
It's alright

We're the only ones who know.

You can let your hopes soar
You can let them descend into a deep abyss that no one in their right minds would attempt to go down to.
You can let your true emotions show because after all...

We're the only ones who know.

We're the only ones you confide in
We're the only ones you trust
We're the only ones who can dedicate all of our emotional capacity to you.
We're the only ones you can open up to
That is why...

We're the only ones who know.