Sunday, December 21, 2014

La Fin

I'm no Cobain,
or even a Bevan.

I'm not sure what a Bevan even is. 
All I know is that it is a name that belongs to a dora-esque girl on my favorite movie
Which I've only watched all the way through because it's two & a half hours long.

I'm just a girl who wants to start a riot.
A girl who doesn't quite see the point of the internet.
A girl who wants to see her brother get to have what she has
A teenage girl who waits 6 months to kiss another person.
A girl who hates her real name.

I am Madie Brown.


  1. Great finale.

    Start a riot. I got your back.

  2. ill make the signs. ^

    and I like you madie.

  3. Love the endings. RT to riot #senioryearmemories

  4. The fact that you put my name up here makes me feel less like s weenie. But I love you just as much here as I do at Dear Lizzy on a Friday night. Thanks for sharing with us all.

  5. MADIE
    finally I KNOW WHO YOU ARE
    wow I love you I love your blog you are just great all around <3

  6. you have a great name.

    just go by Madeline or something:)

    such an incredible blog madie.

  7. Start a riot. Yes Madie you are the greatest. And I love your blog a whole lot.

  8. Madie Brown has inspired me since I met her, I'm so happy to meet this side of you. Thank you for your honesty

  9. Loved your blog so so much. Rt to starting the riot. And I think you're just as good as the people you listed in this post.
